What is Creative Wellness? 

It’s the act of utilizing creativity as a wellness practice. Therapeutic art, if you will…

What happens during a session? 

Each session, I give a therapeutic art prompt and then work on it myself. You can watch, follow along, make your own creation, or leave it on in the background. If you’d like, you’re encouraged to speak up and participate in discussions, but no presh either way. It’s up to you how you want to engage with the practice. The more the merrier, so come hang! 

What if I’m not an artist? 

Sorry but you’re wrong. Everybody is creative. It’s a muscle, and exercising it is really, really good for you. Plus, there’s no such thing as “good” or “bad” here, just the act of doing.

Disclaimer: These are not clinical therapy sessions. Art therapy requires a masters degree. I spent $35 on a Doctorate of Metaphysics from the Universal Life Church as a bit. These are creative wellness sessions, wherein we utilize art therapy practices as a group and make art for the sake of making it. My intention is to engage people in the practice of creative wellness. I am, however, nobody’s therapist.